*** ----> 'Parents outraged at child sex dolls' | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

'Parents outraged at child sex dolls'

Hundreds of people, including parents, have expressed their "disgust" at the invention of life  like child sex dolls aimed at preventing paedophiles from offending.

In an interview with The Atlantic, Shin Takagi, the founder of Japanese company Trottla, which manufactures the dolls, claims they prevent paedophiles from acting on their urges and that he is "helping people express their desires, legally and ethically".

But many people are shocked by the news and condemned those who buy the dolls as "sick" and "creepy".

Independent readers discussed the likelihood of the dolls preventing paedophiles from acting on their desires on real children.

Commenting on an earlier article about the dolls, reader John Vianny said: "Are we sure that making a crime with a doll don't push them easier to make it in the real world? [sic]

"I think it encourages it; sooner or later they wish to have a real person instead of plastic."

Another reader said the dolls' existences were "truly shocking", while another thinks there will be "further development of things like these disgusting dolls".

The Mirror Online reported some of their readers said the dolls normalize a sexual attraction to children.

Several of their readers suggested paedophiles should "kill themselves", with one commenter recommending getting "a gun and one bullet load aim at your face and pull it [sic]".

Some Independent readers believe the dolls are a good idea, and that using the dolls would limit any potential harm to a child.

One said: "This Japanese company should be applauded for trying something and actually trying to solve the problem..."

Another reader who has lived in Japan, Tiko, said: "As long as a person isn't harming anyone, I think it's acceptable."

Phillip Fawcett agreed, continuing the argument: "It's enlightened, it's simple and it's harmless.

"If you want to ban such dolls, then by the same token you need to ban any movie that depicts violence or rape, since they are also created for the dark side of human imagination."
Mr Takagi, who believes the dolls save children from sexual abuse, said he receives letters from buyers thanking him for creating the dolls, as it helps them "keep from committing a crime".
Treatments for paedophilia include cognitive-behavioural therapy and chemical castration, but an analysis by the Mayo Clinic found these treatments "do not change the paedophile's basic sexual orientation towards children".