*** Farmer clears road for camels at gun point | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Farmer clears road for camels at gun point

A Saudi farmer was caught on camera stopping cars at gun point to clear the road for his camels to cross to the other side.

A YouTube film published by 'Sada' newspaper and social networks showed the farmer was carrying a Russian-made Kalashnikov assault machine gun as many cars waited for his herd of camels to cross the road in the Northeastern town of Hafr Al Batin.

Sada said viewers of the film called on authorities to identify the man and punish him on charges of intimidating drivers.

Newspapers later quoted police spokesman Colonel Ziad Al Rugaiti as saying the man was identified and arrested. He said the man, in his 40s, had a gun licence and that he denied threatening any driver.