*** School urges parents to alert kids on stranger danger | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

School urges parents to alert kids on stranger danger

A private school in Dubai has urged its parent community to alert their children about stranger danger, Emirates247 reported.

 In a letter to its parent community, the school principal wrote, “Please can I request you to remind your children of the continued need to be vigilant and highly aware regarding safety matters.”

 It added that the school would also step in to reinforce the same. “In addition, the need for all pupils to exercise extreme caution and care when out and about will be reiterated in assemblies, tutor sessions, and in classes this week.”

 This update follows reports of two students being approached by strangers at the school gate last Thursday (January 21).

 “Last week two of our students reported that they were involved in an alleged incident, where they were approached by an unknown male in a vehicle outside one of our schools. Both students were unharmed and dealt with the incident in an exemplary way by returning to the school premises. The family has reported the incident to the authorities, who are dealing with the matter.  Our schools always remind parents to be diligent in discussing stranger danger with their children and we will continue to reinforce this through our community,” a Gems Education spokesperson told this website.

 An official source in Dubai Police said they had received no reports so far. However, the official urged parents to stress the importance of stranger danger.

 “Children should not respond to strangers and must not venture out of their school without adult supervision. They must not go with any stranger, who promises to take them home. Parents must urge their children to ride the school buses.”

Photo: angelalert.ca