*** Govt buildings sold off by Treasury through secret Islamic scheme, now under Sharia | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Govt buildings sold off by Treasury through secret Islamic scheme, now under Sharia

Two more government buildings in London were found to be operating under Sharia law, after it was reportedly revealed MPs could be forced to stop drinking alcohol when they move out of the Palace of Westminster.

According to Daily Mail, plans were revealed for MPs to be rehoused in a temporary chamber in a courtyard in the Department of Health at 79 Whitehall - opposite The Cenotaph - earlier this week.

However, alcohol is banned on the premises because the building was quietly transferred to finance an Islamic bond scheme in 2014.

A Treasury source has now told the newspaper the other two buildings in the bond scheme are Wellington House in Lambeth - a second Department of Health site - and a Department of International Development property at 22-26 Whitehall.

Under terms of the lease at 79 Whitehall, alcohol is one of the activities banned on the premises, according to The Times.

A Whitehall official told the newspaper: 'It's true. If MPs want to use Richmond House they'd better give up any hopes it will include a bar.'

The three Whitehall buildings were transferred to the £200million Islamic bond scheme, which switched their ownership from British taxpayers to wealthy Middle Eastern businessmen and banks.

George Osborne announced the move in June 2014 as part of an effort to make the UK a global hub for Islamic finance. 

But critics say the scheme would waste money and could undermine Britain's financial and legal systems by imposing Sharia law onto government premises.

The bonds – known as Sukuk – are only available for purchase by Islamic investors.

The money raised will be repayable from 2019. But instead of interest, bond-buyers will earn rental income from the Government offices because interest payments are banned in Sharia law.

The Treasury agreed to make the Sukuk fully compliant with Sharia law to ensure investors were not put off investing in the scheme, meaning each of the buildings used to finance the products must meet the terms of Sharia law, including the ban on alcohol.

Tory MP Andrew Bridgen said he was outraged to discover that parts of Whitehall was being ruled by Islamic law.

'I do find it unbelievable government buildings are governed by Sharia law,' he told MailOnline.  'I don’t see the bars as being an essential part of Parliament but it’s the principle that matters.

'Most of our constituents will be absolutely amazed that the principle could ever have been authorised.'

It is the latest stumbling block encountered by Parliamentary authorities as they search for a new home while £4billion worth of repairs is carried out on the building, which is riddled with asbestos, leaking ceilings and rodents.

A spokeswoman for the joint committee on the Palace of Westminster said: 'The committee is looking at a range of options and no final decision has been taken.

'It is aware that Richmond House is under a bond.'