*** Jealous of newborn, US dad tries to kill wife | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Jealous of newborn, US dad tries to kill wife

A man tried to shoot his wife while she breastfed their 4-month-old, because he was jealous of how much time she spent with the baby, she told police.

Nicholas George Lehmeier, 28, was charged with second-degree assault with a dangerous weapon for the attempted shooting in Minnesota.

His wife said he physically and verbally abused her for 10 years, before pointing a shotgun at her while she nursed their 4-month-old in July, reports CBS Minnesota.

She said she remembers him cocking the gun and pulling the trigger about three to four feet from her - but it didn't go off.

He was allegedly upset she was spending more time with the child than him.

After the attempted shooting, he went to get a handgun with one round, saying "one bullet is all I need to end this".

His wife said she thought he was going to shoot her, but he allegedly went downstairs and shot the gun out of a window because he didn't want to shoot her.

She said told police she didn't report the alleged abuse because she was too afraid and he had threatened to kill her or the children if she told anyone.

Lehmer had previously been convicted for assaulting their 7-year-old child, which led to the removal of five children from the home.

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