*** Social media main cause of divorces in Dubai | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Social media main cause of divorces in Dubai

Social networks emerged as the main cause of marital problems in Dubai in 2015, prompting social authorities to intensify efforts to resolve such disputes.

Using Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and other known social media networks by either the husband or the wife to make secret contacts with other persons has given rise to marital disputes and some of them ended up in divorce.

The findings were a result of a study conducted by the family and youth division at the Dubai Community Development Authority.

“Making contacts and friendships outside marriage through social networks emerged as the main reason for marital problems in Dubai in 2015,” the division’s director Naema Al Shamsi said, quoted by ‘Emarat Al Youm’ daily.

She said the division handled 245 marital disputes last year and that most of them were a result of secret contacts through social networks.

“Some of those cases were that either the husband or the wife inspects the computer or mobile phone of the other and discovers the betrayal,” she said.