*** ----> Vincent Lambert finally granted right to die | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Vincent Lambert finally granted right to die



Europe's rights court today upheld the decision of a French court to allow a paralysed man to be taken off life support, in a ruling that could become a benchmark on the continent.

The fate of Vincent Lambert, 38, who was left a quadriplegic with severe brain damage after a 2008 road accident, has torn apart his family in a judicial tug-of-war over his right to die. 

His family have been split over whether he should be kept alive. 

The case was taken to the European court last year after France's highest court had ruled in favour of ending his life support. 

It sparked fierce debate in France where euthanasia is illegal, although doctors can withdraw care under a 2005 passive euthanasia law.

The court in Strasbourg ruled yesterday that the decision to stop intravenously feeding Lambert did not violate European rights laws.

"It is a scandal, our son has been sentenced to death," said his mother Viviane Lambert, who wiped away tears as the ruling was handed down.

"We will stay by Vincent's side and keep on fighting."

The case pitted Lambert's mother against his wife who insists her husband -- a former psychiatric nurse -- would never have wanted to be kept alive artificially. 

Even though the court ruled in her favour, wife Rachel said she was "devastated" by the decision.

"There is no relief or joy to express," she said, adding, "We want his wishes to be fulfilled."