*** 50% Saudization of cellphone industry in three months | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

50% Saudization of cellphone industry in three months

Jeddah : The mobile phone industry has been given six months to implement the decision on the Saudization of the sector across the Kingdom.
“The decision on Saudization in this sector came into effect on Jamad Al-Thani 1 (March 10). At the end of three months, the proportion of the Saudization of jobs should reach 50 percent, and it should be completely nationalized by Dhul Hijjah 1 (Sept. 2),” a source was quoted as saying by the local media on Saturday.

Labor Minister Mufrej Al-Haqabani recently ordered that only Saudis be employed in the entire mobile phone industry, covering sales, maintenance and accessories by Sept. 2.

The Ministry of Labor (MoL) will implement the decision in cooperation with the ministries of commerce and industry, municipal and rural affairs, communications and information technology, and interior.

The drive will be implemented according to the jurisdiction, tasks and responsibilities of each individual ministry, the report said.
The MoL said that during this campaign, it will make sure that owners of these businesses follow the instructions by replacing foreign workers with locals.

The MoL said the decision is aimed at creating employment opportunities for male and female Saudis who are interested in working in this sector, as this profession provides good revenues and job stability. 

According to the MoL decision, all the regions and provinces of the Kingdom and large, and medium and small establishments will be covered under the rule.

The Human Resources Development Fund (HADAF), General Organization for Technical Development and Vocational Training and the General Organization for Social Insurance will also contribute to achieving the goal, the ministry said.

Abdul-Kareem An-Nujaidi, director general of HADAF, was quoted as saying that the fund will support the recruitment and rehabilitation of job seekers in the mobile phone sector.