*** ----> Georgia rocked by sex video scandal ahead of polls | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Georgia rocked by sex video scandal ahead of polls

Tbilisi : A political scandal has rocked pro-Western Georgia after a sex video of an opposition party member was posted online and other politicians received similar threats, just months before parliamentary polls.

A secretly recorded video posted on YouTube Friday appeared to show a female leader from the opposition Free Democrats party making love to a partner who was not the prominent politician's spouse. 

The pro-Western Free Democrats confirmed that the person in the video was one of its members but did not give any more details. 

The Georgian political establishment received another jolt on Monday when a new video emerged threatening to leak sex tapes of two politicians from the ruling coalition, another opposition politician and a prominent journalist. 

The journalist, Inga Grigolia, said the threat "will not silence" her.

"I will do everything to send those who have filmed these videos and who have (released) them to jail for many years," she said.

Access to YouTube was briefly blocked for users in Georgia earlier Monday.

The tiny ex-Soviet nation has a history of covertly filmed videos being released to tar political opponents ahead of elections and leaders pledged to investigate the latest incident. 

President Giorgi Margvelashvili said the "entire government system, with all its resources, is mobilised.... and the crime will soon be solved."

Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili condemned the sex video as a "blow to the state" and "blackmail of the entire society."

"I promise you  no matter who filmed and distributed this recording  you will be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law," he said at the weekend, referring to the first tape.