*** ----> Suu Kyi close aide voted Myanmar's next president | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Suu Kyi close aide voted Myanmar's next president

Naypyidaw : Myanmar's lawmakers Tuesday elected a close aide and longtime friend of Aung San Suu Kyi to become the country's first civilian president in decades, a historic moment for the formerly junta-run nation.

Htin Kyaw, 69, won 360 of 652 votes cast by Myanmar's two legislative chambers, paving the way for him to serve as a proxy for the Nobel laureate who is constitutionally barred from becoming president.

MPs erupted into applause after Htin Kyaw's victory was announced following a lengthy ballot count by hand in the capital Naypyidaw.

"I hearby declare that U Htin Kyaw has been elected the president with the most votes," parliamentary speaker Mann Win Khaing Than told legislators. 

Myanmar is in the grip of a stunning transformation from an isolated and repressed pariah state to a rapidly opening aspiring democracy.

In November, Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy won a thumping victory at the polls, allowing her party to dominate Myanmar's two legislative houses. 

But the military remains a powerful force in the Southeast Asian nation and has refused to change a clause in the junta-era constitution that bars Suu Kyi from top political office.

The veteran activist has instead vowed to rule "above" the next leader.

Her choice of Htin Kyaw to act in her place is seen as a testament to her absolute faith in his loyalty.

Myanmar's new president will replace incumbent Thein Sein at the end of the month following five years of army-backed quasi-civilian leadership that has been lauded for steering the nation out from the shadow of outright military rule.

The two other candidates who were also running in Tuesday's will now become the country's joint vice presidents.

They are retired general Myint Swe, an army-backed candidate who remains on Washington's sanctions list and won 213 votes, and ethnic Chin MP Henry Van Thio, who gathered 79 votes.

Most of Myint Swe's votes came from the army's parliamentary bloc, which is reserved a quarter of seats in parliament, and from military-backed parties.