*** ----> UK To Get Underwater Power Station | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

UK To Get Underwater Power Station

Developers say the $1.5bn project is the first step towards producing 10% of the UK's energy from the tides.


The UK Government has given planning permission for the world's first tidal lagoon to be built off Swansea.

It is claimed the $1.5bn underwater power station will generate energy for up to 175,000 homes and last for 120 years.

Developers say it is the first step towards producing up to 10% of the UK's energy from the tides.

The plan involves building a six-mile (9.6km) long seawall in Swansea Bay which would house huge turbines that will generate the power as water is pushed through them.

Mark Shorrock, chief executive of Tidal Lagoon Power, told Sky News: "A third of all of our power stations are reaching end of life and in the next 10 years.

"What we are putting forward is why not have a power station that's going to last for 120 years and why not harvest something that we have in spades around our country, big tidal ranges, to go along side our nuclear and our offshore wind as our other low carbon choices?"

It will take around three years to build with work expected to begin next spring.