*** Pregnant Saudi woman seeks King's help | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Pregnant Saudi woman seeks King's help

Riyadh : A Saudi judge sided with a pregnant woman’s uncles and divorced the wife from her husband on the grounds she is of superior origin.

Maha Al Tamimi, in her 8th month pregnancy, emerged on newspapers to appeal for King Salman bin Abdul Aziz to interfere and reverse the judge’s verdict.

She said her uncles filed a law suit to divorce her from her husband, a soldier stationed in South Saudi Arabia near the border with Yemen, on the grounds she married him without her father’s approval.

But Tamimi said she had her elder brother’s consent for marriage and that her father has a second wife and is not living with them.

In a video film posted on social networks, Tamimi said she had taken her father to court long time ago because he had rejected all her suitors and mistreated her.

“My uncles claimed in court that I married against my father’s wish… but their real reason is that and I and my husband do not have compatible family origins as they believe…I appeal for the Monarch to intervene to save me and my baby,” she said.

Her husband said he believes the judge supported his wife’s uncles because he lives in the same area. “My wife’s father rejected my marriage but her brother gave us his consent and blessing…the father does not live with my wife’s family and he has already been convicted by a court for mistreating his daughter.”

Newspapers said viewers of the film slammed the judge over that sentence and called on authorities to intervene and end the couple’s suffering.