*** Jimmy Savile 'had vasectomy to avoid impregnating victims' | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Jimmy Savile 'had vasectomy to avoid impregnating victims'

London: Jimmy Savile may have had a vasectomy, so that he could rape women without risking making them pregnant, a harrowing new BBC documentary will suggest.

The claim, made by a former medical secretary who was raped by the BBC star, features in Abused: The Untold story. The documentary tells the story of Operation Yewtree, the police investigation into the sex crimes committed by Savile and other high-profile figures, from the victims' point of view.

The woman, identified only as Pauline, was attacked by Savile in Leeds, when she was 24. She told the programme that she went to the star’s mother’s house, for a cup of tea, before being raped, adding: “I think he might have seen the look of sheer horror and on my face, and he said, 'Don’t worry, I’ve had a vasectomy'. And I just froze.”

While Savile is thought to have assaulted at least 450 victims, including many adults, he is not thought to have fathered any children. Liz Dux, a specialist abuse lawyer at the law firm Slater and Gordon, who represents 168 of Savile’s victims, said that it would be no surprise if he had undergone the medical procedure.

She said: “This further evidence that Savile  boasted  of having a vasectomy  would come as no surprise. He was an evil predator who clearly planned with careful precision how he could rape and abuse without ever facing the consequences of his sick crimes.”

The 90-minute show, which will air at 8.30pm on BBC One, on Monday, has been cited by Lord Hall of Birkenhead, the BBC’s director general, as evidence that the corporation will take child abuse seriously, after failing to stop Savile’s abuse.

Dee Coles,  one of the presenter’s victims, and who features in the documentary, said: "Living with such a secret for over 40 years made me weak. Now I'm actually pretty proud of speaking out . I know it has encouraged others to do likewise.”