*** ----> Man shoots friend for not letting him pay the bill | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Man shoots friend for not letting him pay the bill

Istanbul: A Turkish man shot dead by his friend after a row over who would pay the restaurant bill in Istanbul, Turkish media reported.

According to Turkish newspaper the Daily Sabah, Hasan Erdemir and Idris Alakus fought over who would pay the bill for their shared meal in the city's Bakirkoy district.

Wanting to leave the restaurant, Alakus allegedly asked for the bill but found out that Erdemir had paid the bill. The two men then argued and  Alakus left the restaurant infuriated, the media reported.

CCTV footage of the incident posted online by the Turkish daily Milliyet shows Alakus approaching Erdemir and shooting him in the torso, causing him to fall from his chair onto the floor.

Alakus then shot two other men who had joined them for them meal. Both received non-life threatening injuries, according to the Daily Sabah.

In the CCTV footage, a waiter can be seen rushing to Erdemir's assistance as he lies motionless on the floor. Erdemir died in hospital of wounds sustained in the incident.

After the shooting, waiters rushed to helped the seriously injured but despite medical assistance, Erdemir died in hospital.

 Alakus fled the scene but was soon caught and taken into police custody.

Turkish media shared clips and screenshots of the CCTV footage apparently showing the moment Alakus shot Erdemir.