*** US policeman who shot dead boy 'feared for his life' | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

US policeman who shot dead boy 'feared for his life'


 The Cleveland police officer who shot dead a 12-year-old black boy seen waving around a replica gun was "distraught" and acted out of fear for his life, according to an official report released Saturday.

 It comes two days after a judge ruled the two police officers involved should face criminal charges over the death of Tamir Rice in November.

 The chaotic immediate aftermath was revealed after prosecutors released the results of a police investigation into Rice's fatal shooting at the hands of police officer Timothy Loehmann.

Rice was fatally shot after police responded to a 911 call that someone was waving around a gun in a park. It turned out to be an airsoft gun and the boy died of his injuries a day later.

 The report details an FBI special agent's memory of his interaction with Loehmann, whom the agent described as "distraught."

 "He seemed like a guy that was put in a very difficult situation and had to make a very quick decision based upon what he believed was an imminent fear of death or serious physical injury to himself and reacted to it," he told investigators.