*** Information Minister calls for enhancing joint GCC media action | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Information Minister calls for enhancing joint GCC media action

Abu Dhabi : Information Affairs Minister Ali bin Mohammed Al-Rumaihi said that Bahrain and the UAE had similar visions on the need to update the Arab Media Strategy and activate it with regard to supporting sustainable development, countering terrorism and taking unified actions to confront counter media campaigns staged by offensive satellite channels that incite sedition and violence.

Al-Rumaihi also noted the two countries’ shared keenness on activating the role of mass media in supporting the nation-building and sustainable development marches, deepening Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) citizenship, preserving the Arab and Islamic values and fundamentals of the GCC States. He stressed that Bahrain and the UAE share similar stances on the need to strengthen their deep-rooted fraternal relations, enhance the GCC march and consolidate joint Arab action to preserve Arab identity and safeguard security.

In a meeting with the UAE State Minister and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Media Council (NMC), Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al-Jaber, here yesterday, the Minister lauded the UAE’s firm stances in support of the security of Bahrain and the GCC. 

He also praised the UAE’s support for Bahrain’s progress. “It reflected the depth of the relations binding the two countries, strengthened under the leadership of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and UAE President Shaikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al-Nahyan.”

The two sides reviewed ways to enhance media cooperation through exchanging news and technical and human expertise to cope with the global developments in the fields of digital media and ICT.

Meanwhile, Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al-Jaber appreciated Al-Rumaihi for his interest in consolidating joint media cooperation and exchanging expertise with the GCC.

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