*** ----> Turkish Airlines pilots spot UFO above plane on EgyptAir crash day | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Turkish Airlines pilots spot UFO above plane on EgyptAir crash day

Ankara: Turkish Airlines pilots said they saw an unidentified flying object (UFO) with green lights passing above their plane on Thursday, the same day when EgyptAir mysteriously disappeared.

The two pilots reported the sighting to the Air Traffic Control Center at Atatürk Airport, Istanbul, the local Haberler website reported.

“An unidentified object with green lights passed 2 to 3,000 feet above us,” the pair reportedly said, adding “then it disappeared all of a sudden. We are guessing that it was a UFO.”

The local Hurriyet Daily website reported the pilots as saying that the UFO was seen around the Turkish city of Istanbul’s Silivri district, during a flight from the resort town of Bodrum to Istanbul late Thursday.

The pilots also said the UFO was spotted when the plane was flying at around 17,000 feet at around 11:30 p.m. on May 19. The plane landed at Atatürk Airport around 30 minutes later.

However, the General Directorate of State Airports Authority said it did not spot any image in its radars similar to what the pilots had described.

This is not the first time, pilots report of such sighting.

US President Barack Obama’s former pilot Andy Danzinger described in a 2015 interview of his encounter with UFOs.

Danzinger said many pilots had shared UFO stories with him, claiming “virtually all pilots believe in UFOs.”

So far, Egypt has found human remains, wreckage and the personal belongings of passengers floating in the Mediterranean about 290 km north of Alexandria, but is still searching for the plane’s two black box recorders that could provide valuable evidence on the cause of the crash.

Egypt’s President Abdelfattah al-Sisi said on Sunday that “until now all scenarios are possible. So please, it is very important that we do not talk and say there is a specific scenario.

“This could take a long time but no one can hide these things. As soon as the results are out people will be informed.”