*** ----> ‘Sobbing’ Obama marks Malia’s high school graduation | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

‘Sobbing’ Obama marks Malia’s high school graduation

President Barack Obama made the short but sentimental drive across Washington on Friday to attend his oldest daughter’s high school graduation.

Obama has joked that Malia’s graduation was the one event where he could not give an address.

“Malia’s school asked if I wanted to speak at commencement and I said no,” Obama said in Detroit earlier this year.

“I’m going to be wearing dark glasses... and I’m going to cry.”

True to his promise, Obama was photographed by guests at Sidwell Friends School wearing dark glasses.

He was accompanied by First Lady Michelle Obama, Malia and his youngest daughter Sasha.

Malia was 10 years old when Obama entered office, almost eight years ago.

She is expected to attend Harvard in 2017, after a gap year.

Obama earlier this year told television host Ellen DeGeneres of his sorrow at thinking that she would soon fly the nest.

He said he would be “sobbing” at the graduation.

“She’s one of my best friends. And it’s going to be hard for me not to have her around all the time. But she’s ready to go. You can tell. She’s just a really smart, capable person and she’s ready to make her own way.”

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