*** Ballistic missile intercepted in Yemen | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Ballistic missile intercepted in Yemen

Riyadh: A ballistic missile fired early yesterday towards the central Yemeni city of Marib has been intercepted, a Saudi-led military coalition battling rebels in the impoverished nation said. The missile was “destroyed with no damage” after its launch at around 12:15 am (2115 GMT), a statement from the alliance said.“Coalition air forces immediately responded by destroying the missile launching pad.”

Marib, controlled by forces loyal to Yemen’s recognised government, is east of the capital Sanaa, which remains in the hands of Huthi rebels. The Huthis overran Sanaa in late 2014 before moving into other parts of Yemen, prompting a Saudi-led coalition to intervene in March last year.

This was at least the third missile launch since United Nations-brokered peace talks began in Kuwait in April between the Huthis and the government of President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi.