*** ----> Theresa May prepares to take over as Brexit PM | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Theresa May prepares to take over as Brexit PM

London : Theresa May becomes Britain's second female prime minister on Wednesday, taking over from David Cameron whose career was ended by the seismic Brexit referendum, with the daunting task of leading the country out of the EU.

Cameron, who has been premier for six years, will say his goodbyes at his last question-and-answer session in parliament before tendering his resignation to Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace.

The monarch will then call on May, interior minister in the outgoing government, to form a cabinet.

The newly-anointed prime minister is expected to begin announcing her ministerial choices before the day is out, including a Brexit minister in charge of leading negotiations with the EU on a new relationship.

Finance minister George Osborne, who fought hard to remain in the EU, is expected to lose his job, with May sharply criticising his economic legacy earlier this week.

Women are expected to secure several top jobs, with current energy minister Amber Rudd and international development minister Justine Greening tipped for lead roles along with foreign minister Philip Hammond and Brexit campaigner Chris Grayling, who is leader of the House of Commons.

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