*** Egyptian women are top husband hitters | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Egyptian women are top husband hitters

When we hear of domestic violence, we usually assume that the wife is the victim. However surprising statistics from the UN show that women in Egypt are world's number one in abusing their spouses.

According to the Saudi Gazette, Egypt is followed by the United Kingdom and India.

The report states 66 per cent of wives who abuse and beat their husbands apply for divorce in the Family Court, according to data from the Egyptian Family Court.

Meanwhile, husbands defend themselves from the violence except by prosecuting their wives, with cases reaching 6,000.

Wives don't only use their hands in beating their husbands, but reportedly use pins, belts, weapons, kitchen tools and shoes, with some even using sleeping pills to be able to beat and burn their husbands.

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