*** Fight at a child's birthday party lands 9 of the parents in court | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Fight at a child's birthday party lands 9 of the parents in court

Dubai : A fight that started between two youngsters at a birthday party grew into a serious one as parents got involved and some of them even ended up in court on charges of assault and insult.

The Court of First Instance heard the fight started at a birthday party held by an Egyptian man, 41, for his daughter in his residence in Al Barsha. "A girl came to me to complain that a boy threw a stone at her," the Egyptian man said. "When I tried to talk to the boy's father (an American, aged 49), the latter physically assaulted me together with his friends," the host told the prosecutor.

"I was telling the father nicely to stop his son from hurting other kids. But I was shocked when he pushed me while his companions caused me to fall down and break my hand."

The host also claimed that those guests verbally abused him and threatened to hurt him.

However, during the investigation the American man denied having assaulted the host. "We tried to tell him she fell on her own but he would not listen and started screaming, trying to push me."

He claimed that the host accidentally hit his hand when he slipped.

While the host pleaded not guilty in court to a physical assault charge, the American and his compatriot accomplice denied accusations, including making threats and physical assault resulting in a permanent injury to the host.

Other charges levelled against other guests (including two more men and four women) include verbal abuse and making threats.