*** Europe stunned as Britain's 'jester' Boris becomes FM | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Europe stunned as Britain's 'jester' Boris becomes FM

Berlin : Dubbed a liar by his French counterpart and lampooned as a "political jester" in European newspapers, chief Brexit campaigner Boris Johnson faced a wave of criticism and mockery Thursday after being named Britain's foreign minister.

In a shock move, new Prime Minister Theresa May on Wednesday appointed the eccentric former London mayor, known for his gaffes and buffoonery, as the top diplomat to lead the country out of the EU.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said that as a "Leave" campaigner Johnson had "lied a lot" and said his appointment "reveals the British political crisis" following the referendum.

Ayrault claimed he was not worried about working with Johnson but stressed the need for a "clear, credible and reliable" negotiating partner.

The outspoken European Parliament chief Martin Schulz also slammed May's new cabinet, saying it was based on solving internal party splits rather than the national interest.

"The United Kingdom has to break this dangerously vicious cycle which has direct impacts on the rest of Europe," Schulz said.

There is widespread animosity in Europe toward Johnson who recently compared the EU's aims to those of Adolf Hitler.

After the Brexit vote, European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker labelled Johnson and other Leave campaigners "sad heroes".

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier had said a day earlier he was outraged by Britain's "irresponsible politicians who first lured the country into Brexit, then... got out, refused to take responsibility, and went off to go and play cricket".

A senior German Social Democrat, Ralf Stegner, said an undiplomatic Johnson would now "negotiate the Brexit. Bon Voyage!"

The party's Rolf Muetzenich said he wouldn't be surprised if, next, "Britain appoints Dracula as health secretary".

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