*** Donald Trump is the 45th president of United States | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Donald Trump is the 45th president of United States

New York : The most unlikely candidate to contest the US election has won the battle for the White House.

Donald Trump, the 70-year-old New York tycoon previously best known around the world as the host of a celebrity TV show, is to become the 45th president of the US after a gruelling contest.

Mr Trump beat his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, after campaigning to “Make America Great Again”, a slogan that encapsulated a vow to bring back jobs that had gone overseas, tighten border controls, build a wall along the US-Mexico border and suspend the immigration of Muslims to the US.

Frequently his language and rhetoric ventured into the racist and bigoted.

He was also the subject of accusations of sexual assault from more than a dozen women who leveled various claims at him – all of which he has dismissed.

Mr Trump was also the first candidate who broke with the senior leadership of his own party, frequently engaging in battles with figures such as House Speaker Paul Ryan and the 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney.