*** ----> Gunmen charge school in strife-hit Kenya region | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Gunmen charge school in strife-hit Kenya region

Nairobi : Armed gunmen stormed a school Tuesday in a Kenyan province bordering Somalia, spraying bullets but not injuring anyone, official sources said, without confirming whether they were Shabaab group militants.

The gunmen stormed a room where secondary school students were taking an exam and exchanged fire with police officers guarding the campus before fleeing, they said.

"Students scampered for safety when the gunmen stormed the school and fired shots," a senior police officer from Wajir told AFP.

Six policemen were guarding the examination centre at the time, regional governor Mohamud Saleh said.

It was not immediately clear if the shooting was linked to the Al-Qaeda-linked Shabaab group, which regularly carries out attacks in Kenya, including a massacre at Garissa University in April 2015 in which 148 people were killed.

But the area where Tuesday's incident occurred is also the scene of regular inter-clan violence related to border disputes between Wajir and Garissa counties.

Saleh did not immediately comment on who was behind the attack, saying that an investigation was under way and that officials had "intensified security in the area."

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