*** ----> Turkey detains six over deadly schoolgirl dorm fire | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Turkey detains six over deadly schoolgirl dorm fire

Istanbul : Turkey on Wednesday detained six people suspected of negligence after 12 victims, most of them young schoolgirls, were killed in a fire that ravaged a dormitory.

The blaze, which officials said was likely caused by an electrical fault, raced through the building's wooden interior on Tuesday as panicked youngsters tried to jump from windows to safety.

Some officials suggested many of the victims were killed on the top floors of the dormitory in the southern region of Adana after they were unable to open a fire door to flee the flames.

Those detained as part of the investigation into accusations of "causing death by negligence" include the manager of the dormitory in the Aladag district of Adana, the Dogan news agency said.

Dogan said most of the dead would be identified after DNA tests, in a sign that the victims were too badly burned to be identified visually.

Ten of those killed were schoolchildren aged up to 14 while the fire also claimed the life of a member of the teaching staff.

The four-year-old daughter of the dormitory manager being held by the police also died, Dogan said.