*** ----> Colombia crash pilot reported he was out of fuel | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Colombia crash pilot reported he was out of fuel

Medellín : The pilot of a charter plane carrying a Brazilian football team radioed frantically that he was out of fuel minutes before slamming into a hillside near Medellin with 77 people on board, an audio recording showed.

Details of the doomed aircraft's last harrowing minutes emerged on Wednesday as fans mourned the loss of all but six people on the flight, including most of the Cinderella-story Chapecoense Real football team.

An audio tape aired by the Colombian media showed that the pilot of the LAMIA airlines BAe146 radioed the control tower Monday night seeking priority to land because of a fuel problem.

The operator acknowledges the request but tells pilot Miguel Quiroga he will have to wait seven minutes to land.

"I have a plane below you making its approach ... How much time can you remain in your approach, Lima-Mike-India?"

"We have a fuel emergency, ma'am, that's why I am asking you for it at once, full stop."

Moments later: "I request an immediate descent Lima-Mike-India."

The timeline was not immediately clear but shortly thereafter the pilot radioed: "Ma'am, Lima-Mike-India 2933 is in total failure, total electrical failure, without fuel."

The operator responded: "Runway clear and expect rain on the runway Lima-Mike-India 2933. Firefighters alerted."

The pilot is heard asking: "Vectors, ma'am, vectors to the runway." Vectors is the term for the navigation service provided to planes by air traffic control.

The operator is heard giving him directions, and asking his altitude.

"Nine thousand feet, ma'am. Vectors! Vectors!"

Those were Quiroga's last words to the control tower.

Colombia's Civil Aeronautics agency said the time sequence of the tape was "inexact," and had no comment on the content of the tape.

But the agency's air safety chief, Freddy Bonilla, confirmed at a news conference that the plane was out of fuel at the moment of impact.

Bonilla said international rules require aircraft to maintain fuel in reserve when flying between airports, and the LAMIA plane had failed to do so.

The aircraft's "black box" has been recovered intact and in "perfect condition," said Civil Aviation director Alfredo Bocanegra, who added however that it would take investigators at least six months to reach a conclusion about the cause of the crash.