*** ----> Trump revives controversial oil pipeline projects | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Trump revives controversial oil pipeline projects

Washington : US President Donald Trump on Tuesday revived two pipeline projects blocked by his predecessor on environmental grounds, signaling his determination to undo Barack Obama's legacy.

Trump gave a conditional go-ahead to the Keystone XL pipeline -- which would carry oil from Canadian tar sands to US refineries on the Gulf Coast -- and an equally controversial pipeline crossing in North Dakota.

Both had been put on hold by Obama's administration.

True to his claim to be a hard-charging dealmaker, Trump said both pipeline projects would only be built subject to renegotiated terms and conditions.

"We are going to renegotiate some of the terms and, if they like, we'll see if we can get that pipeline built," he said.

Since being sworn in on Friday, Trump has begun rolling out an orthodox Republican agenda.

He has moved to curb funding for abortions, embraced Israel, frozen government hiring and sought to loosen environmental regulations.

His administration has also sought to place a tighter grip on departments that may not be sympathetic to his politics.

On day one, Trump's Interior Department ordered staff to report any correspondence from Congress, governors, environmental groups or industry organizations, according to an internal memo obtained by AFP.

Certain meetings, regulations and environmental notices are also to be reported to the department's executive secretariat.

"No correspondence should be cleared to go to Congress or to any Governor until it has been reviewed by the Acting Chief of Staff and/or Senior White House Advisor," the document states.

Trump has sought to put his nationalist and populist print on policy, especially on the economy and trade.

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