*** Trump beheading cover sparks criticism | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Trump beheading cover sparks criticism

BerlinGerman news magazine Der Spiegel sparked controversy yesterday with a cover depicting US President Donald Trump holding the severed head of the Statue of Liberty in one hand and a bloodied knife in the other.

The weekly used for its front page an image by US-Cuban artist and political refugee Edel Rodriguez with the Trumpian slogan “America first” next to it.

“On our cover the American president beheads the symbol which has welcomed migrants and refugees to the United States since 1886, and with democracy and freedom,” Spiegel’s chief editor Klaus Brinkbaeumer told German news agency DPA.

The image, which shows an orange face featureless save for a wide-open mouth, was seized upon for discussion by other media outlets in Germany.