*** New Somali prime minister named | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

New Somali prime minister named

Mogadishu : Hassan Ali Kheyre, a former aid worker and oil executive, was named prime minister of Somalia on Thursday by the country's new President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed.

Mohamed, popularly known as Farmajo, made the announcement on Twitter.

After his nomination Kheyre -- also spelt Khaire -- promised to "tirelessly work with the president and try to form a government that represents the public".

Tensions between Somali presidents and their prime ministers in recent years have frequently stymied government business and undermined political progress in the fragile Horn of Africa nation, so the relationship between the two men will be crucial.

Kheyre is a political newcomer and, like Farmajo, is from the diaspora, holding dual Norwegian and Somali citizenship.

The 49-year-old has been a regional director of the Norwegian Refugee Council charity and a director of controversial British oil company Soma Oil and Gas. 

Britain's Serious Fraud Office in December closed an investigation into Soma over bribery allegations after finding "insufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect of conviction".

Kheyre is a close associate of former president Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and a member of the Hawiye clan, meaning his nomination maintains the traditional clan balance alongside Farmajo who is a Darod. 

The appointment must now be approved by parliament.

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