*** Trump promises 'renewal of the American spirit' | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Trump promises 'renewal of the American spirit'

Washington : President Donald Trump pledged a "renewal of the American spirit" Tuesday, as he tempered his most inflammatory rhetoric while fleshing out his nationalist agenda during a landmark speech to Congress.

Transposing hardline campaign promises into a presidential key, Trump offered the most restrained and detailed explanation yet of his America-first world view.

He criticized threats against Jewish community centers and condemned the recent seemingly racially-motivated killing of an Indian immigrant, answering calls for him to speak out.

And although the 70-year-old president again promised a hard line on illegal immigration, he couched those policies in economic rather than xenophobic terms, winning sustained applause from the Republican dominated Congress.

"By finally enforcing our immigration laws, we will raise wages, help the unemployed, save billions and billions of dollars, and make our communities safer for everyone," he said.

Putting some policy meat on the bones, he proposed introducing an Australian-style merit-based system to reduce the flow of unskilled workers -- and held out the prospect of a bipartisan compromise with Democrats on root-and-branch immigration reform.

Trump arrived to deliver his maiden address to Congress facing historically low approval ratings and embroiled in multiple crises.

Hailing what he called a "new national pride" sweeping the country, he sought to use the pomp of the occasion and the presidential pulpit to reclaim authority and course correct after 40 difficult days.

Discussing trade, Trump even enlisted Abraham Lincoln's help, echoing what the first Republican president described as "protective policy."

"Lincoln was right -- and it is time we heeded his words," Trump said. "I am not going to let America and its great companies and workers, be taken advantage of anymore."

Looking abroad, Trump softened his criticism of NATO partners and vowed to work with allies in the Muslim world.

But he offered no apologies for emphasizing a world order centered on the nation state.

"We will respect historic institutions, but we will also respect the sovereign rights of nations. Free nations are the best vehicle for expressing the will of the people -- and America respects the right of all nations to chart their own path."

"My job is not to represent the world. My job is to represent the United States of America," he said.

"But we know that America is better off, when there is less conflict -- not more," he said, promising to "find new friends, and to forge new partnerships, where shared interests align."