*** Anxious for win, Republicans revive US health care push | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Anxious for win, Republicans revive US health care push

Washington : US lawmakers and the White House on Friday braced for a hectic coming week in Washington, with Republicans readying new legislation to repeal Obamacare as Donald Trump seeks a victory to cap his 100th day as president.

After an embarrassing health care defeat last month, Trump has suddenly heaped pressure on Republican leadership by saying he expects a vote on a revived version of the bill "next week or shortly thereafter."

"We're doing very well on health care. We'll see what happens," Trump told reporters Thursday. "It's evolving."

Conservative and moderate Republicans were working with the White House on outlines of a deal. But with no legislative text to sell, it remained unclear whether the plan would receive majority backing in the House of Representatives, which resumes Tuesday after a two-week recess.

Scheduling a vote next week would mark sharp changes to legislative expectations in Washington, where the administration and lawmakers are up against a hard deadline of funding federal operations by next Friday, or face a government shutdown.

Asked whether he would seek to prioritize a vote on health care or a government funding bill next week, Trump eagerly replied: "I want to get both."

In the days following the collapse of Trump's initial attempt to dismantle Barack Obama's health care reforms, he signaled his intention to turn next to his pledged tax overhaul.

On Friday the president hinted that an announcement on tax reform -- potentially including major tax cuts -- could also come within the 100-day mark, which falls on April 29.

"We'll be having a big announcement Wednesday having to do with tax reform," Trump said. 

That would make next week an especially busy time in Washington.