*** NASA's Juno probe forces 'rethink' on Jupiter | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

NASA's Juno probe forces 'rethink' on Jupiter

Miami : An unmanned NASA spaceship circling Jupiter has spotted massive cyclones at the gas giant's poles, revealing stunning new details about our solar system's largest planet, researchers said Thursday.

A NASA statement described the planet as "a complex, gigantic, turbulent world" that is far different than scientists previously thought.

Two papers in the journal Science and 44 papers in Geophysical Research Letters describe a trove of discoveries made since Juno began orbiting Jupiter last year.

"We knew, going in, that Jupiter would throw us some curves," said Scott Bolton, Juno principal investigator from the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio. 

"There is so much going on here that we didn't expect that we have had to take a step back and begin to rethink of this as a whole new Jupiter."

A look at Jupiter's poles has shown they are covered with dozens of densely clustered storms, possibly dropping hail or snow.

"Images of Jupiter's previously-unseen poles show a chaotic scene of bright oval features," said one of the studies in the journal Science. 

These ovals, it turns out, are huge swirling storms, some of which measure up to 870 miles (1,400 kilometers) across.

Researchers found "signs of ammonia welling up from the deep atmosphere and forming giant weather systems."

Now, more study is needed to better understand the nature of Jupiter's storms, and why the planet acts this way.



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