*** ----> Britain's May still in talks with DUP on power deal | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Britain's May still in talks with DUP on power deal

London : British Prime Minister Theresa May's office said Sunday talks were still ongoing with the Democratic Unionist Party on seeking its support for a Conservative government after earlier saying an outline agreement had been reached.

May's Conservatives lost their parliamentary majority in a humiliating election Thursday and now need the support of the 10 MPs from Northern Ireland's ultra-conservative DUP to pass votes, sparking widespread calls for her to resign.

"The prime minister has tonight spoken with the DUP to discuss finalising a confidence and supply deal when Parliament returns next week," a Downing Street spokeswoman said, referring to a deal whereby the DUP would support the government but not enter a formal coalition.

"We will welcome any such deal being agreed, as it will provide the stability and certainty the whole country requires as we embark on Brexit and beyond."

The new statement came after Downing Street earlier said the DUP had agreed to the principles of an outline agreement to support a Conservative government.

The DUP said the "talks so far have been positive", adding: "Discussions will continue next week to work on the details and to reach agreement on arrangements for the new Parliament."

There was no mention of what concessions the DUP may have asked for, amid growing concern about the influence of a party opposed to abortion and gay marriage.

The DUP has proved hugely controversial in the past over the homophobic and sectarian views of some of its representatives.