*** Terrorism has no religion : Saudi Arabia | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Terrorism has no religion : Saudi Arabia

HamburgThe Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has reaffirmed before the G 20 Summit, currently held here, that terrorism has no religion, for it is a crime that targets the entire world.

Indeed, it does not differentiate between religions and ethnic groups, and Saudi Arabia condemns terrorism in all forms and manifestations, in a constant and unequivocal condemnation, wherever and by whomsoever committed, as one of the most serious threats to world peace and security, Saudi Press Agency reported.

The Kingdom stressed that combating terrorism and extremism and promoting the values of moderation is an international responsibility that requires effective cooperation and coordination among countries. The Kingdom stressed the need to combat and prevent all sources and means of funding terrorism, expressing will to work with all partners to combat the use of Internet and social media for terrorist or criminal purposes, including their use in recruitment and propaganda. This was unfolded in the speech of Saudi Arabia during the opening session of the G20 leaders’ summit here, in the north of the Federal Republic of Germany under the title “Towards Building a Continuing World”.