*** German, US doctors visit ill Chinese Nobel winner: hospital | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

German, US doctors visit ill Chinese Nobel winner: hospital

Beijing : German and US doctors visited China's cancer-stricken Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo on Saturday, the hospital where he is receiving treatment said in a statement.

"After listening to a detailed medical history of the patient and receiving a report on his diagnosis and treatment, the medical experts examined the patient in the sickroom," according to an update on the website of First Hospital of China Medical University, in the northeastern city of Shenyang.

"The American and German specialists have fully endorsed the treatment program and measures by the group of national experts" it said.

China has faced international pressure to let Liu travel abroad for treatment since he was transferred from prison to the Shenyang hospital after he was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer more than a month ago.

Liu was sentenced to 11 years in prison in December 2009 for "subversion" after calling for democratic reform. At the Nobel ceremony in Oslo in 2010, he was represented by an empty chair.