*** Saudi Arabia to host G20 summit in 2020 | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Saudi Arabia to host G20 summit in 2020

Hamburg : Saudi Arabia will host the G20 summit of leading nations in 2020, according to a statement yesterday winding up this year’s event in Hamburg. It also said Japan will host the G20 summit in 2019. 

“We thank Germany for hosting a successful Hamburg summit,” it said after the summit, rocked by unprecedented violence as protestors clashed with riot police outside, “and look forward to meeting again in Argentina in 2018, in Japan in 2019 and in Saudi Arabia in 2020.”

Under the terms of the revolving presidency G20 hosts can set the summit agenda and Germany this year used the opportunity to focus on development partnerships with Africa.

In 2015, Turkey addressed how to tackle migration as the worst refugee crisis Europe has known since World War II threatened to overwhelm the region.