*** Eight charged over killing of US tourist in Greece | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Eight charged over killing of US tourist in Greece

Athens : Eight men, seven of Serbian origin, have been charged over the fatal beating of an American tourist on the Greek island of Zante, the Ana news agency reported Thursday.

The suspects, a Greek barman, a British bouncer of Serbian origin and six Serbian tourists, were already in custody, the agency reported.

They have been charged with beating to death Bakari Henderson, a 22-year-old African-American, on the night of July 6-7 at the coastal resort of Lagana.

Police detained the suspects after viewing CCTV footage of the incident. Extracts broadcast on Greek television show Henderson being slapped by one of the suspects after talking to a waitress.

He suffered serious head injuries and was pronounced dead after being taken to hospital.

Police have ruled out racism or nationalism as a motive for the attack, characterising it as an alcohol-fuelled attack.

Lagana is known for its nightlife and police source told AFP earlier this week that all involved had been drinking heavily.

A seventh Serbian tourist has also been detained and faces questioning in the coming days.

Alcohol-related violence led to the 2011 death in Lagana of a 19-year-old British touristfollowing a fight with two Greek taxi drivers.

Three years earlier, two bar workers fatally beat an Australian tourist on the island of Mykonos.