*** William, Kate take Brexit 'charm offensive' to Germany | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

William, Kate take Brexit 'charm offensive' to Germany

London : Prince William and his wife Kate embarked Wednesday on a three-day visit to Germany billed as a "charm offensive" by local media as Britain begins thorny Brexit talks in earnest.

William, who is second in line to the British throne, and Kate touched down in Berlin from Poland accompanied by their young children George and Charlotte.

The first stop for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will be a luncheon at the giant modern office complex of Chancellor Angela Merkel, widely considered the European Union's most powerful leader.

German media said the long-planned visit was auspiciously timed as the negotiations on Britain leaving the EU get under way in fits and starts.

National broadsheet Sueddeutsche Zeitung called the young family "Her Majesty's Secret Weapon" and the German tour a "diplomatic mission" with the enthusiastic backing of the Foreign Office.

"They know better than anyone else on the island that the image of the United Kingdom on the continent is not the best at the moment," it said.

"What could you do in this situation to indicate to your neighbours that Britain is of course a stable nation? Obviously, you send in the royals."

News website Spiegel Online called the visit a "charm offensive". 

"The royals represent a kind of common sense that this hard ideological government of the Tories seems to have completely lost at the moment," its commentator Thomas Huetlin said.