*** UAE lauds Saudi’s anti-terror efforts | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

UAE lauds Saudi’s anti-terror efforts

Abu Dhabi : United Arab Emirates (UAE) has lauded the efforts of Saudi Arabia to eliminate terrorism and dry up its sources while referring to the success of the Saudi national security authorities in killing three wanted suspects involved in terror operations, including the killing of security officials in Qatif. In a statement released yesterday, the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation condemned the “cowardly terrorist” acts committed by terror groups, targeting the security and stability of the Saudi Arabia. The ministry reiterated UAE’s firm position of rejecting all forms of terrorism and violence against the security of states and communities, regardless of motives. It also expressed the UAE’s support and solidarity with the Saudi Arabia, in its fight against violence and terrorism while calling on the international community to stand together in confronting and uprooting this dangerous menace, which threatens the security and stability of countries.