*** Austria's 'wonder-boy' on course for election win at just 31 | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Austria's 'wonder-boy' on course for election win at just 31

Graz : Tall, tanned and only 31, Austria's rising political star Sebastian Kurz oozed confidence as he strode to blaring pop music into Graz's main square  -- seemingly with good reason.

"October 15 is our chance for change in this country," Kurz told the recent election rally in Austria's second city, white-shirted and tieless in his trademark slim-fit suit. 

"And dear friends, to be honest, it is time for change."

Kurz looks on course to become the European Union's youngest head of government when this wealthy but increasingly disgruntled Alpine country of 8.75 million people votes in a month's time.

Since becoming head of the centre-right Austrian People's Party (OeVP) in May, Kurz has re-branded it -- in turquoise -- as his personal "movement".

Bringing in candidates from outside politics -- including a quadriplegic former pole vaulter and an organiser of Viennese balls -- Kurz has promised a "new style" and to jumpstart the economy.

Since he took charge, the OeVP -- the party name is absent from campaign posters -- has leapfrogged the two other main parties and now has an opinion poll lead of around nine points.

Kurz's nickname, the tough-to-translate "Wunderwuzzi", means someone who can "walk on water", political analyst Thomas Hofer told AFP.

Calling him Austria's most talented politician since Joerg Haider in the 1980s and 90s, he said: "This is now a race for Mr. Kurz to lose."

"I think he is a very young and dynamic person who wants to bring a new style into politics," said captivated party volunteer Michael Schellnegger, 22, his T-shirt and even his trainers in turquoise.