*** ----> Myanmar searches for more Hindu corpses as mass grave unearthed | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Myanmar searches for more Hindu corpses as mass grave unearthed

Yangon : Myanmar troops on Monday searched for dozens of missing Hindu villagers feared dead after the discovery of a grave containing 28 corpses in Rakhine state, evidence of what the army says is a massacre by Rohingya Muslim militants.

Northern Rakhine has been ravaged by communal violence since Rohingya insurgents staged deadly raids on police posts on August 25, unleashing an army crackdown that has displaced hundreds of thousands of civilians. 

The vast majority -- more than 430,000 -- are Rohingya Muslims who have fled across the border to Bangladesh from a military campaign which the UN says likely amounts to ethnic cleansing of the stateless minority.

But tens of thousands of ethnic Rakhine Buddhists, and the region's small population of Hindus, have also been internally displaced, saying they were attacked by Rohingya militants.

On Sunday the army said it had discovered two mud pits filled with 28 Hindu corpses, including women and children, outside the village of Ye Baw Kyaw in northern Rakhine. 

"The security troops continue searching for remaining Hindu people around the places of the pits," said a statement posted on army chief Min Aung Hlaing's Facebook page Monday, blaming Rohingya militants for the killings.

Displaced Hindus from the area told AFP last week that Rohingya fighters stormed into their communities on August 25, killing many and taking others into the forest.

They showed AFP a list of 102 people from two villages -- Ye Baw Kyaw, where the bodies were found, and Taung Ywar -- feared dead by distraught relatives, who wept as they described the bloodshed.

A Hindu community leader in the area, Ni Maul, confirmed to AFP that the search was going on. 

"Soldiers and police are here with us to find the rest of the bodies around this area," he said, adding that authorities are still working to identify the 28 corpses exhumed on Sunday.

With the government blocking access to the conflict zone, it is difficult to verify the maelstrom of accusations that have further fuelled ethnic hatreds in Rakhine.

But the army has steadfastly blamed violence on the Rohingya -- a Muslim minority it has been trying for years to eject from Myanmar -- while highlighting the suffering of other ethnic groups swept up in the violence.