*** ----> Egyptian vultures rescued | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Egyptian vultures rescued

Muscat : A joint effort between Oman and Bahrain has resulted in the rescue of three Egyptian vultures. 

An endangered species, Egyptian vulture population in recent times has rapidly declined in India combined with severe long-term declines in Europe and West Africa. However, an ongoing research by Environment Society of Oman (ESO) has shown that Oman may be a stronghold for the species, and as such has the potential to help contribute to global conservation efforts.

The three vultures were rescued from a zoo in Bahrain, ESO stated. “Raptor Rehab, an organisation dedicated to the preservation and conservation of indigenous birds of prey and their habitats, got in touch with us to arrange for these vultures to be brought to Oman to be released in their natural habitat,” ESO said.

The NGO later tweeted on Monday that the Egyptian vultures had arrived in Oman. “We would like to thank Oman Air for transporting them from Bahrain to Oman for their safe release. The vultures are in quarantine at the moment and appear to be in good health.”

As part of the Egyptian Vulture Research and Conservation project, ESO fitted two juvenile Egyptian vultures with solar-powered GPS radio tags last year to better understand the ecology of this endangered species. The tracking of these birds will help ESO identify the birds’ habitats, important congregations, main threats, and boost conservation efforts.

Nicknamed the ‘Pharaoh’s Chicken’, Egyptian vultures are distributed across southwestern Europe, northern and central Africa, Arabia, India, eastern Europe and central Asia. As a direct result of accidental and planned poisoning, electrocution on medium voltage power lines, persecution, poaching and habitat destruction, Egyptian vulture is globally endangered. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the Egyptian vulture has declined in virtually all parts of its range.

It has experienced a 90 per cent decline in India during the last decade, a 50 per cent decline in Europe over the last three generations alongside significant declines in their African and Arabian populations.