*** ----> Eight donkeys jailed for four days in India | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Eight donkeys jailed for four days in India

New DelhiEight donkey convicts have enjoyed a proud trot to freedom after they were released from prison.

The ‘criminals’ were jailed for four days after being found guilty of destroying ‘very expensive plants’ outside a prison in Uttar Pradesh, India.

As they left Orai jail yesterday, their concerned owner Kamlesh - who had been frantically searching for his livestock after they were locked up - was waiting to meet them. 

Their bail had been paid by a local politician from the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), according to NDTV. 

RK Mishra, head of the jail, said: ‘These donkeys had destroyed some very expensive plants which our senior officer had arranged for planting inside jail and despite warnings the owner let loose his animals here so we detained the donkeys.’  

The plants reportedly cost 60,000 rupees (£700). 

When Kamlesh found out his donkeys were being held in prison, he pleaded for their release - but was denied. 

He then appealed to the politician to intervene on his asses’ behalf. 

Jail superintendent Sita Ram Sharma, however, revealed that the story was more complex.

He said: ‘There is no such law wherein we can arrest donkeys. They were confined for four days to teach a lesson to their owner who did not pay attention to our warnings. 

‘We let go of the animals on Monday only after Kamlesh gave us a written affidavit that from now on he will not allow his animals to roam in residential areas or places of public importance.’