*** UK sandwich produces CO2 as ‘millions of cars’ | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

UK sandwich produces CO2 as ‘millions of cars’

London : Britain’s annual sandwich consumption produces the same amount of carbon dioxide as more than eight million cars, according to a study published on Thursday.

Around 11.5 billion sandwiches are consumed each year in Britain, half of which are homemade and half bought, according to the British Sandwich Association (BSA).

This annual consumption “generates, on average, 9.5 million tonnes of CO2 eq., equivalent to the annual use of 8.6 million cars,” said Adisa Azapagic, professor at Manchester University, which produced the study.

Mass-produced sandwiches containing pork (bacon, ham or sausage) were found to have the largest footprint, followed by shop-bought varieties containing cheese or prawn.