*** Bahrain condemns violence against Palestinians | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain condemns violence against Palestinians

Geneva : The Kingdom has strongly condemned Israeli brutality and excessive use of force towards Palestinians, urging tough action from the part of international community. This came as Bahrain’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office and other international organisations in Geneva, Dr Yousef Abdul Karim Bucheery, participated in the special session of the Human
Rights Council on the deteriorating human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem.

The Council’s decision to hold its special session follows the formal request made by the Permanent Representative of the United Arab Emirates on behalf of the Arab Group, which was supported by 17 Member States of the Human Rights Council and nine observer states, including Bahrain, Kuwait and Oman.

The special session was attended by a large number of member states and observers, the President of the Human Rights Council, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, and number of observers and non-governmental organisations, all of whom strongly condemned the dangerous escalation of extreme violations in the Palestinian territories. “The escalation of violence
poses serious threats to the whole region in view of the excessive use of force aimed at the Palestinian people and the unacceptable targeting of civilians by the Israeli occupation forces,” the session observed.

In his statement, Bucheery welcomed the decision to hold this emergency session of the Human Rights Council, in response to the request of the Arab, Islamic and friendly countries, and in light of the difficult circumstances occurring in the Palestinian territories, as the Palestine territories are witnessing a dangerous escalation. Bucheery also strongly condemned the unjustified Israeli repression and violence against the defenseless Palestinian people, their connection to the horrific killing and abuse of live
ammunition against innocent civilians, and warned of the extreme dangers and negative repercussions of this dangerous
escalation in the occupied Palestinian territories, specifically the suffering of the brotherly Palestinian people in East Jerusalem
and the Gaza Strip.

Bucheery stressed Bahrain’s belief in the formation of an international fact-finding committee, in support of the independent and transparent international investigation into this heinous crime and the international community’s demand for protection for the brotherly Palestinian people, He stressed the seriousness and impact of recent events on the human rights of Palestinians, which puts before the international community and the United Nations in particular the responsibility of immediate action to ensure the elimination of this pattern and approach of continuing crimes against the Palestinian people.

The Permanent Representative called upon the Human Rights Council to adopt the draft resolution, which reflects the international concern about the deterioration of the situation and stresses the need to ensure accountability and impunity. He also stressed Bahrain’s firm position and support for the legitimate rights of the brotherly Palestinian people to establish their independent and fully sovereign state on the borders of 4 June 1967 with East Jerusalem as its capital and in accordance with the resolutions of international legitimacy, the two-state solution and the Arab Peace Initiative.