FBI reunited ‘wrong baby’ with couple!
A man’s quest to find his biological parents unearthed disturbing secrets about the family he says left him abandoned in a shopping centre before he was given to another couple. Paul Fronczak grew up in Chicago with his parents, Dora and Chester Fronczak, and his brother, Dave Fronczak. When Paul was 10 he stumbled upon old newspaper clippings and learned a disturbing secret: he had been kidnapped as a baby.
Dora and Chester told Paul that in 1964 when he was one day old he was snatched from a Chicago hospital. The couple said they were reunited with him two years later when police in New Jersey found a two-yearold boy who resembled their son abandoned in a shopping centre. Because of the lack of DNA and there only being one picture of Paul from when he was born, there was no way for Dora and Chester to know for sure if the toddler found alone in a shopping centre was actually their son. Paul, now a 54-year-old father-of-one, told The Sun that because he resembled the missing baby his parents took him in and tried to move on from the abduction.
‘There were no accurate DNA tests back then, so there’s nothing the Fronczaks could have done to be 100 per cent certain that the boy they were given was their actual son Paul,’ he said. Paul, however, said he always had doubts Dora and Chester were his biological parents and in 2012 he approached them about his suspicions.
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