*** Milly Shapiro’s real life incident in horror film “Hereditary” | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Milly Shapiro’s real life incident in horror film “Hereditary”

Actress Milly Shapiro had to recreate a moment from her life for horror film “Hereditary”. “The thing that I was most worried about was the allergic reaction scene. But I actually had that type of an allergic reaction before because I’m highly allergic to red ants,” Shapiro said in a statement. “I was, like, five or six, so I had an experience with it, which I thought was absolutely hilarious, that I was going to have to act that. But I was really nervous because I thought that I would get it wrong. I was just worried. “Everyone was really great with helping me through it and Ari Aster and I worked together to get the perfect breathing and action for it. I was really nervous for that,” she added.