*** ----> Swiss government rejects burqa ban | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Swiss government rejects burqa ban

The Swiss government opposed yesterday a grassroots campaign for a nationwide ban on facial coverings in public. The Swiss cabinet said individual cantons should decide on the matter, which nevertheless will go to a nationwide vote under Switzerland’s system of direct democracy after activists last year gathered enough public support. 
Measures against the wearing of Islamic veils have already been taken in Belgium, France, Denmark and Spain, among others, with the Netherlands passing its own ban this week. The government suggested instead adopting laws that would prevent people from covering their faces when dealing with officials and punish anyone who forced women to conceal their faces with up to three years in jail. Two-thirds of Switzerland’s 8.5 million residents are Christians. But its Muslim population has risen to 5 per cent, largely because of immigrants from former Yugoslavia.