*** ----> Russian missiles killed al-Baghdadi’s son | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Russian missiles killed al-Baghdadi’s son

Russian forces killed the son of Islamic State group lead‑ er Abu Bakr al‑Baghdadi in a missile attack on a Syrian cave in which he was hiding, Iraqi intelligence said Wednesday. IS’s propaganda outlet Amaq said Hudhayfah al‑Badri was killed in an “operation against the Nussayriyyah and the Rus‑ sians at the thermal power sta‑ tion in Homs”, in a statement published Tuesday alongside a photo of a young man hold‑ ing an assault rifle. Nussayri‑ yyah is the term used by IS for the Alawite religious minority sect of Syrian President Bashar al‑Assad. Iraq’s Falcon’s intelligence cell said Russian forces on Monday fired three missiles at a cave in Homs that held 30 “terrorist leaders” and several of Badri’s bodyguards. “Badri wasn’t even a fighter... he was an icon that was moved from one place to another as a form of psychological propo‑ ganda,” the Falcons said